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Please select whether you'd like to join as a student, TA, or professor for CLASSNUM.
Please enter a valid course name
Enter the full title of the course, so others can find it easily
Please enter a valid course number
Enter the course number associated with the class (e.g. CS 101).
Please enter a valid estimated enrollment value
Enter the approximate/anticipated size of the class for this term.
by clicking Create Class you confirm that you are affiliated with Virginia Tech per the Terms of Use
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All other instructors in the class will be notified when you join as an Instructor.
Please select whether you'd like to join as a student, TA, or professor for CLASSNUM.
Please enter a valid course name
Enter the full title of the course, so others can find it easily
Please enter a valid course number
Enter the course number associated with the class (e.g. CS 101).
Please enter a valid estimated enrollment value
Enter the approximate/anticipated size of the class for this term.
by clicking Create Class you confirm that you are affiliated with Virginia Tech per the Terms of Use
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All other instructors in the class will be notified when you join as an Instructor.
Please select whether you'd like to join as a student, TA, or professor for CLASSNUM.
Please enter a valid course name
Enter the full title of the course, so others can find it easily
Please enter a valid course number
Enter the course number associated with the class (e.g. CS 101).
Please enter a valid estimated enrollment value
Enter the approximate/anticipated size of the class for this term.
by clicking Create Class you confirm that you are affiliated with Virginia Tech per the Terms of Use
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All other instructors in the class will be notified when you join as an Instructor.
Please select whether you'd like to join as a student, TA, or professor for CLASSNUM.
Please enter a valid course name
Enter the full title of the course, so others can find it easily
Please enter a valid course number
Enter the course number associated with the class (e.g. CS 101).
Please enter a valid estimated enrollment value
Enter the approximate/anticipated size of the class for this term.
by clicking Create Class you confirm that you are affiliated with Virginia Tech per the Terms of Use
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All other instructors in the class will be notified when you join as an Instructor.
Please select whether you'd like to join as a student, TA, or professor for CLASSNUM.
Please enter a valid course name
Enter the full title of the course, so others can find it easily
Please enter a valid course number
Enter the course number associated with the class (e.g. CS 101).
Please enter a valid estimated enrollment value
Enter the approximate/anticipated size of the class for this term.
by clicking Create Class you confirm that you are affiliated with Virginia Tech per the Terms of Use
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