Hire the talent you need.
5x increase
In CS/STEM Attendance at Events
800+ hours
Saved by Recruiting Teams
137% increase
In Female Tech Pipeline
Talent is engaging on Piazza before they’re actively looking.
  • Talent network built on the predominant college learning platform
  • Millions of technical students on the platform they use every day
  • Proprietary course enrollment data to run skill-based searches
  • Virtual resume drops to build pipeline year-round
  • Highly customizable event check-in and review forms
  • Auto-scheduling tools that save your recruiters time
  • Easy import and export to your ATS
Extensive CS/STEM
Adoption at the Top Universities
3 hours/night
Average Student Time on Piazza
Thousands of Universities
in 90 Countries
Unprecedented access to the most sought-after talent segments.
Most CS and STEM majors at the top universities – students at Stanford, MIT, CalTech, plus millions more in thousands of universities – use Piazza for 3 hours a night on average. Employers gain a competitive edge with unique, targeted recruiting of top technical talent in order to stay relevant.
“My team sourced an entire Super Day in 30 minutes”
Workflow tools to help recruiters win back time.
Teams adopt our workflow automation tools to manage their events, check-ins, student reviews, and scheduling workflows. These teams see upwards of 800 hours saved, expedited processing of candidates in their pipeline, and an ability to reduce the number of campus visits they need to make.
“The product did the work for us”
Underrepresented minority pipeline unlocked, so you can diversify your workforce.
Directly engage hundreds of thousands of underrepresented minority students across CS/STEM, and hundreds of thousands more underrepresented minority students across all subjects. Teams build pipeline in a matter of days, what otherwise took them months to build.
“51% of our intern class was under-represented minorities”
Stories from the field.
Alyssa took the power in her hands.
Alyssa has a lot of roles that she supports, and specific schools she engages with—one of them is Stanford, where she hosts events on-campus. This year, she was supporting a Performance Capacity team that was attending an event with her for the first time. They were unsure that they’d be able to attract relevant students at their event.
Lauren attracted a different caliber of talent.
Lauren is responsible for filling roles that need a problem-solver mindset. She and her business have determined that engineering majors tend to fit the mold well. Yet, most engineering majors don’t think of Lauren’s firm when it comes to the roles that she is trying to fill. Her organization is not a brand that these students identify with.
Dan found freedom to do more than before.
Dan was on-campus running several events when members of his team came to him needing one-on-one chats to be set up the next day with dozens of candidates. He was desperate; he did not have enough time using his existing tools, he would’ve had to use shared excel and hundreds of emails to pull this off. It would have been impossible.
Learn how Piazza works for your needs.
Sourcing Workflows
Alongside Piazza sourcing experts, compile class-based research that maps to the various roles you’re looking to fill; craft relevant messages inviting students to a virtual resume drop. Arm your business with a solid set of resumes, so you can engage the high-potential students.
Scheduling Workflows
Create custom schedules; configure automated emails and calendar invites for when students sign up; export your schedule and interviewer agendas so engineers are able to run their interviews seamlessly without follow up needed.
Events Workflows
Alongside Piazza sourcing experts, build targeted folders of students; launch campaigns to drive the right attendance to your events. Configure custom check-in forms; configure real-time reviews on student check-ins for a seamless experience day of.
Classmate Endorsement Workflows
Build targeted shortlists of your interns’ and recent grads’ classmates on Piazza; invite interns and recent grads to recommend classmates that will be fits for your organization. Reach out to these students with a warm connection.
Hire the talent you need.